United Nations adopt first-ever treaty to protect marine life in high seas

Tags: Environment International News

United-Nations-adopt-first-ever-treaty-to-protect-marine-life-in-high-seasThe United Nations on 19 June adopted the first-ever treaty to protect marine life in the high seas, setting a significant milestone in ocean conservation.

An overview of the news

  • UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised the historic agreement and stressed its importance in providing a fighting chance against the many threats to the ocean.

  • Delegates representing all 193 member states expressed their happiness in accepting the treaty.

  • Addressing the delegates, Secretary-General Guterres stressed that the adoption of the treaty comes at a critical time when the oceans are facing many challenges.

  • He urged all countries to spare no effort to sign and ratify the treaty immediately.

  • The treaty aims to protect biodiversity in the high seas, which cover about half of the Earth's surface and lie beyond national boundaries.

  • Negotiations on this treaty had been going on for 20 years, facing many obstacles and delays in reaching an agreement.

Signing of Treaty 

  • On 20 September, during the annual meeting of world leaders at the General Assembly, the treaty will be open for signature, signaling countries' commitment to its principles.

  • The treaty will come into force after 60 countries have ratified it, indicating their willingness to abide by its provisions and actively contribute to marine conservation efforts.

Need of Oceans Protection

  • The ocean plays a critical role in supporting the livelihoods of three billion people worldwide and serves as a vital ecosystem that sustains human life and economic well-being.

  • The ocean is a fundamental source of food and economic security for millions of people. 

  • Its ecosystems, including fisheries and aquaculture, provide sustenance and income for communities globally.

  • It has absorbed approximately 93% of the heat generated by greenhouse gases, helping to mitigate the impacts of global warming.

  • It serves as a source of resources such as energy, minerals, and materials that are crucial for various industries and economic sectors.

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