Uttar Pradesh cabinet approves construction of two "Obra D" thermal power projects in partnership with NTPC

Tags: State News

-two-Obra-D-thermal-power-projectThe Uttar Pradesh government approved 800 MW ultra-supercritical thermal power projects in Sonbhadra district in partnership with NTPC. 

An Overview of the News

  • Each thermal power project will have a capacity of 800 MW, resulting in an increase in the combined capacity of Uttar Pradesh by 1,600 MW.

  • Use of ultra-supercritical technology: The "Obra D" thermal power projects will use ultra-supercritical technology, operating at high temperature and pressure, to achieve high efficiency and reduce coal consumption for power generation.

  • Contribution to power generation capacity: These projects are expected to contribute about 25% of Uttar Pradesh's current thermal power generation capacity, which is around 7,000MW.

  • Timeline and Implementation: The construction of the first unit is estimated to take 50 months, while the second unit is expected to be completed in 56 months. The government has already allotted 500 acres of land for the projects, there is a possibility of allotting additional land if required.

  • Partnership and funding: The Government of Uttar Pradesh and NTPC will execute the projects on a 50:50 basis. Thirty percent equity will be provided for project implementation, while the remaining 70% will be sourced from financial institutions.

  • Development of Power Hub: The decision to set up power plants in the Obra region is aimed at developing them as power hubs to meet the growing energy demands in Uttar Pradesh.

  • Objective: Reliable Power Supply: The "Obra D" thermal power projects aim at ensuring a stable and reliable power supply to meet the growing demands of industries, businesses and households in the state.

  • The Chairman and Managing Director of National Thermal Power Corporation is Gurdeep Singh.

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