World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17 June

Tags: Important Days

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed every year on 17 June.

An Overview of the News

  • The day focuses on converting poor land into healthy or fertile soil to combat desertification.

  • The desertification of land is mainly caused by human activities and climate change.

  • This is due to dry land ecosystems that are extremely vulnerable to overexploitation and inappropriate use of land.

  • The day highlights the need for an early measure to avoid any disastrous consequences for humanity and the planetary ecosystem.

Theme of 2024:

  • This year, the theme of Desertification and Drought Day is “United for Land. Our Legacy. Our Future,” which focuses on:

    • The future of land stewardship

    • Recognizing land as our most precious resource

    • Ensuring the stability of billions of people globally

    • Promoting the prosperity of communities worldwide

History and Significance of the day

  • In December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly resolved to observe 17 June as the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.

  • Since then, the United Nations, NGOs and various countries have been organizing events to spread awareness to combat desertification and drought.

  • The purpose of this day is to convert degraded land into healthy land.

  • To combat this threat, groups and communities are working together to convert arid, semi-arid and arid wetlands into fertile soils.

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