World's largest permafrost crater 'Batagaika' is expanding rapidly due to global warming in Russia

Tags: International News

World's-largest-permafrost-crater-'Batagaika'-is-expanding-rapidly-due-to-global-warming-in-RussiaBatagaika, the world's largest permafrost crater, is located in the Far East Siberian taiga and is expanding rapidly due to global warming in Russia.

An Overview of the News 

  • This massive crater, also known as the "Gateway to the Underworld", initially appeared in the 1960s when the area was cleared for timber.

  • The crater is about one kilometre long and is classified as a 'mega-slump', indicating significant geological changes on Earth.

  • One of the primary factors contributing to the formation of permafrost craters is the thawing of permafrost, which is being caused by deforestation, land use change, and rising temperatures.

  • Russia's warming rate is at least 2.5 times faster than the global average, melting its long-frozen tundra and contributing to the expansion of the 'Batagaika' crater at a rate of about 10 metres per year.

Permafrost Crater:

  • Permafrost refers to land that is frozen at or below 0°C for at least two consecutive years.

  • It is mainly found in areas with high terrain and close to the Earth's poles, that is, the North and South Poles. Permafrost is made up of a mixture of soil, rock, and sand that is bound together by ice.

  • In particular, permafrost holds substantial amounts of organic carbon within its frozen layers.

  • When permafrost melts and the soil thaws, it releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, potentially increasing global warming.

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