Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa re-elected for final term

Tags: Person in news International News

Emmerson Mnangagwa was re-elected as the President of Zimbabwe for a second and final five-year term.

An Overview of the News

  • The announcement of Mnangagwa's victory was immediately denied by the opposition party's spokesman, who criticized the quick announcement and lack of proper result verification.

  • The results of Mnangagwa's re-election ensure the continued dominance of the ZANU-PF party in governing the country.

  • The party has maintained control of Zimbabwe's leadership throughout the 43-year period since the country's renaming in 1980, which followed liberation from white minority rule.

About Zimbabwe

  • It is a landlocked country in Southern Africa.

  • The Zambezi River flows through Zimbabwe and is home to Victoria Falls.

  • Victoria Falls plunges 108 meters down the Batoka Gorge.

  • Downstream of the Zambezi River are the Matusadona and Mana Pools National Parks.

Capital - Harare

Currency - United States Dollar

Official languages - Shona, English, Tshwa language, Xhosa

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