Current Affairs search results for tag: index
By admin: July 16, 2024

1. NITI Aayog Releases 4th SDG India Index: Kerala and Uttarakhand Share Top Spot


On 12th July 2024, NITI Aayog released the 4th edition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index and dashboard for 2023-24 in New Delhi.

An Overview of the News

  • India's overall SDG score improved from 66 points in 2020-21 to 71 points in 2023-24, due to progress in poverty reduction, economic growth, climate action, and life on land.

  • Kerala retained its top ranking among states for the 4th consecutive time, sharing the top spot with Uttarakhand, both scoring 79 points.

Lowest Performing States

  • Bihar was the worst-performing state with a score of 57 points, followed by Jharkhand (62) and Nagaland (63).

Top Performing Union Territories

  • Among Union Territories (UTs), the top performers were:

    • Chandigarh (77)

    • Jammu & Kashmir (74)

    • Puducherry (74)

    • Andaman & Nicobar Islands (70)

    • Delhi (70)

SDG India Index Dashboard

  • The SDG India Index 2023-24 is available on an online dashboard with user-friendly visualizations for identifying development gaps at national and subnational levels.

Launch Event

  • The index was launched by Suman Bery, Vice Chairperson of NITI Aayog, with key attendees including:

    • B.V.R. Subrahmanyam, CEO, NITI Aayog

    • Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator in India

    • Dr. Yogesh Suri, Senior Advisor, NITI Aayog

    • Isabelle Tschan Harada, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP

Index Details 2023- 24

  • The index measured and monitored the progress of all states and UTs on 113 indicators aligned with the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation's (MOSPI) National Indicator Framework (NIF).

  • Scores for each state and UT on the 16 SDGs ranged from 0-100, with 100 indicating achievement of the 2030 targets.

  • Score categories: Aspirant (0-49), Performer (50-64), Front-Runner (65-99), Achiever (100).

  • SDG goal 14 was excluded from the composite score as it is limited to the 9 coastal states.

  • India's overall score was below 50 on all 16 goals except for Goal 5 (gender equality).

  • The SDG India Index was developed in collaboration with MOSPI, the United Nations, and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).

SDG India Index 2023-24

  • Top 5 Performers:

    • Kerala and Uttarakhand (79 points)

    • Tamil Nadu (78 points)

    • Goa and Himachal Pradesh (77 points)

    • Punjab and Sikkim (76 points)

    • Karnataka (75 points)

  • Bottom 5 Performers:

    • Bihar (57 points)

    • Jharkhand (62 points)

    • Nagaland and Meghalaya (63 points each)

    • Arunachal Pradesh and Assam (65 points each)

    • Odisha (66 points)

By admin: July 11, 2024

2. Vietnam Tops Expat Insider 2024 Survey, India Ranks 6th


Vietnam has topped the Expat Insider 2024 Survey's Personal Finance Index for the fourth consecutive term. 

An Overview of the News

  • In Vietnam, 86% of expatriates rated the cost of living positively, with 65% satisfied with their financial situation and 68% considering their household income comfortable for survival.

  • India ranked 6th among the top 10 most affordable countries for immigrants according to the survey.

  • Colombia significantly improved its ranking from 7th place in 2023 to 2nd place in 2024. It was followed by Indonesia and Panama, which ranked 3rd and 4th respectively in the affordability index.

Top 10 Most Affordable Countries for Expats in 2024:























About the Expat Insider 2024 Survey:

  • The survey covered over 12,000 expatriates across 174 territories worldwide.

  • To be included in the rankings, a country needed at least 50 respondents; this year, 53 destinations met this criterion.

  • Evaluation criteria included quality of life, digital connectivity, housing availability, career prospects, salary levels, and job security.

  • Financial reasons were cited as motivating factors among expatriates in countries like Panama (15%, compared to 12% globally), the Philippines (5%), and Thailand (4%).

By admin: July 9, 2024

3. India Ranks Fifth in GenAI Innovations


India ranks fifth in Generative AI (GenAI) innovations, trailing behind China, the US, Republic of Korea, and Japan.

An Overview of the News

  • India has filed 1,350 patents related to Generative AI from 2014 to 2023.

  • The country ranks fifth globally in total number of GenAI patents, following China (38,210), the US (6,276), Republic of Korea (4,155), and Japan (3,409).

  • India has surpassed the UK (714 patents) and Germany (708 patents) in the number of GenAI patents published.

Leading Companies in GenAI Patents:

  • Chinese companies Tencent, Ping An Insurance Group, and Baidu have published the most GenAI patent families in the last decade.

  • No Indian entities are in the top 20 GenAI patent owners.

  • Notable Indian patents include a retail AI assistant solution by RN Chidakashi Technologies (Miko Robotics) and an AI tool for contract lifecycle management by Tata Consultancy Services.

Innovation Growth in India:

  • India has recorded the highest annual growth rate in GenAI patent publications, averaging 56% growth.

  • Despite this rapid growth, India holds only 3% of the total GenAI patents globally.

  • China, with a high base, has a 50% growth rate in GenAI patents.

Global GenAI Patent Trends:

  • A total of 54,358 patent families were published in GenAI between 2014 and 2023.

  • 89% of these patents (48,398) were considered active by the end of 2023.

  • Advances in AI and deep learning, including the introduction of transformer models in 2017 and the advent of popular apps like ChatGPT in 2022, have significantly increased GenAI patent activity.

  • The share of GenAI patent publications among all AI patents rose from 4.2% in 2017 to 6.1% in 2023.

  • Over 25% of all GenAI patents and over 45% of all GenAI scientific papers were published in 2023 alone.

Jurisdictional Insights:

  • WIPO data shows the relative maturity of China's patent regime compared to other countries.

  • Over 40,000 of China's GenAI patents were filed within the country from 2014 to 2023.

  • The US saw over 10,700 patents filed within its own jurisdiction.

  • 98% of India's 1,350 patents were filed within its own jurisdiction.

Important Points

  • India Ranked 72nd in the AI Preparedness Index 2024

  • India Ranked 63rd in the Global Energy Transition Index 2024 

  • India Ranked 3rd in the Global Unicorn Index 2024

  • India Ranked 159th in the World Press Freedom Index 2024

  • India Ranked 129th in the Global Gender Gap Index 2024

  • India Ranked 39th in WEF's Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024

  • India Ranked 126th in the World Happiness Report 2024

By admin: July 1, 2024

4. India Ranks 72nd in IMF's Global AI Preparedness Index


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduced the Artificial Intelligence Preparedness Index (AIPI) Dashboard on June 25, 2024.

An Overview of the News

  • The index ranks 174 Countries worldwide based on their preparedness for adopting artificial intelligence (AI).

  • India ranks 72nd with a score of 0.49, categorized as an Emerging Market (EM).

  • Bangladesh ranks 113th (0.38), Sri Lanka 92nd (0.43), and China 31st (0.63).

  • Rating Criteria: Ratings are based on digital infrastructure, human capital, labor policies, innovation, integration, and regulation.

Top Countries in the AI Preparedness Index

  • Singapore ranks 1st with an index of 0.800.

  • Denmark follows closely in 2nd place with an index of 0.778.

  • The United States secures the 3rd position with an index of 0.771.

  • Netherlands stands 4th with an index of 0.766.

  • Estonia, Finland and Switzerland are ranked 5th with an index of 0.754.

  • New Zealand and Germany are ranked 6th with an index of 0.753.

  • Sweden is ranked 7th with an index of 0.747

Impact and Job Displacement

  • Job Displacement: AI is projected to potentially disrupt 33% of jobs in advanced economies, 24% in emerging economies, and 18% in low-income countries.

  • Economic Reshaping: Economist Giovanni Melina highlights AI's potential to enhance job productivity and create new industries globally.

International Monetary Fund (IMF):

  • Establishment: 1944 (Formally came into existence in December 1945)

  • Members: 190 (India joined the IMF on December 27, 1945)

  • Headquarters: Washington DC

Important Points 

  • India Ranked 63rd in the Global Energy Transition Index 2024 

  • India Ranked 3rd in the Global Unicorn Index 2024

  • India Ranked 159th in the World Press Freedom Index 2024

  • India Ranked 129th in the Global Gender Gap Index 2024

  • India Ranked 39th in WEF's Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024

  • India Ranked 126th in the World Happiness Report 2024

By admin: June 22, 2024

5. WEF 2024 Report: Sweden Leads, India Ranked 63rd on Global Energy Transition Index

Tags: Reports INDEX

The World Economic Forum (WEF), in collaboration with Accenture, published its annual report titled "Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2024" on 19th June 2024.

An Overview of the News

  • According to the report, India has achieved the 63rd position on the global Energy Transition Index (ETI) 2024.

  • The report highlights that India has climbed 3 places from its 2023 rank of 67th, driven by notable enhancements in energy equity, security, and sustainability domains.

Top Countries on ETI 2024:

  • Sweden secured 1st place with an ETI score of 78.4.

  • Denmark followed at 2nd place with a score of 75.2.

  • Finland ranked 3rd with a score of 74.5.

Fastest Improving Countries (Last 5 Years):

  • Estonia, Ethiopia, and Lebanon identified as countries showing significant improvement.

About WEF:

  • Established: 1971

  • Founder: Prof. Klaus Schwab

  • Headquarters: Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland

  • Managing Director: Saadia Zahidi

Important Points 

  • India ranked 3rd in Global Unicorn Index 2024
  • India ranked 159th in World Press Freedom Index 2024
  • India ranked 129th in Global Gender Gap Index 2024
  • India ranked 39th in WEF's Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024
  • India ranked 126th in World Happiness Report 2024

By admin: June 11, 2024

6. India ranked 129th in Global Gender Gap Index

Tags: Reports INDEX

India has slipped two places to the 129th position in the Global Gender Gap Index.

An Overview of the News

  • Among South Asian countries, India ranks fifth, behind Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan, with Pakistan ranked last.

  • India demonstrates notable gender parity in secondary education enrollment and political empowerment.

  • India secures the 10th position for the number of years with female/male heads of state in the last 50 years.

  • However, India's overall gender gap closure has slightly declined to 64.1% in 2024 from 64.2% last year.

Top 10: The Global Gender Gap Index 2024 rankings

  1. Iceland

  2. Finland

  3. Norway

  4. New Zealand

  5. Sweden

  6. Nicaragua

  7. Germany

  8. Namibia

  9. Ireland

  10. Spain

Bottom 5: The Global Gender Gap Index 2024 rankings

  1. Sudan 146 Rank

  2. Pakistan 145 Rank

  3. Chad 144 Rank

  4. Iran (Islamic Republic of) 143 Rank

  5. Guinea 142 Rank

About Global Gender Gap Report

  • The Global Gender Gap Report, initiated by the World Economic Forum in 2006, evaluates gender equality worldwide.

  • It measures how resources and opportunities are distributed among men and women within countries.

  • The report aims to raise awareness and foster dialogue among policymakers by highlighting role model countries in equitable resource allocation.

  • According to the 2023 report, it will take 131 years to close the global gender gap.

By admin: May 31, 2024

7. IISc, Bangalore, ranked 32nd in THE Asia University Rankings 2024


Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Rankings 2024 ranks the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, at 32nd, the highest ranked Indian institution.

An Overview of the News

  • Tsinghua University (China) maintains its top position for the 6th consecutive year.

  • Peking University (China) and National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapore) secure 2nd and 3rd rank respectively.

Scope and Representation in THE Asia University Rankings 2024:

  • The 2024 ranking features 739 universities from 31 countries/regions, indicating a 10.5% increase from the previous year's 669.

  • Japan boasts the highest representation on the 2024 ranking with 119 universities, followed by India, which saw an increase from 75 to 91 universities compared to 2023, and Mainland China with 86 universities.

About THE:

  • Formerly known as The Times Higher Education Supplement (The Thes), THE is a British magazine focusing on higher education news and issues.

    • CEO:- Paul Howarth

    • Headquarters:- London, United Kingdom (UK)

By admin: May 22, 2024

8. India has moved up to the 39th spot in the WEF's Travel & Tourism Development Index.


India has ascended to the 39th position in the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index for 2024, marking a notable improvement from its previous ranking of 54th in 2021.

An Overview of the News

  • This advancement places India at the top in South Asia among the lower-middle-income economies.

  • The United States secured the top spot in the index.

  • India achieved a score of 4.25 out of 7 on the overall index, where 1 represents the lowest and 7 the highest.

  • The significant rise in India's ranking highlights its increasing competitiveness in the global tourism sector.

  • The biennial index evaluated the travel and tourism sectors of 119 countries, assessing various factors and policies contributing to tourism development.

2024 Travel and Tourism Development Index: 

Top Five Countries

  1. The United States of America leads the rankings with a score of 5.24 in the 2024 Travel and Tourism Development Index.

  2. Spain follows closely behind with a score of 5.18.

  3. Japan secures the third position with a score of 5.09.

  4. France holds the fourth spot with a score of 5.07.

  5. Australia rounds up the top five with a score of 5.00.

Bottom Ranked countries

  • Mali ranks at the bottom of the list, securing a score of 2.78.

  • Sierra Leone follows closely behind, ranking second from the bottom with a score of 2.9.

Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024

  • The Travel and Tourism Development Index is a biennial report issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF), replacing the previous Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) which was published biennially since 2007.

  • It assesses and benchmarks the factors and policies facilitating sustainable and resilient development within the travel and tourism sector, contributing to a country's overall development.

  • The 2024 Index was developed in partnership with the University of Surrey, England.

  • This edition ranks 119 countries based on their performance in fostering the development of the travel and tourism industry.

About WEF

  • The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a non-profit international think tank established by Klaus Schwab of Germany in 1971 with the aim of promoting Public-Private Cooperation.

  • It serves as a platform facilitating collaboration among government entities, non-governmental organizations, businesses, academics, and other stakeholders.

  • The primary goal of the WEF is to address global challenges by fostering dialogue and finding shared solutions.

  • The headquarters of the WEF is located in Cologny, Switzerland.

By admin: May 16, 2024

9. Mahatma Gandhi University Leads Indian Institutions in THE Young University Rankings 2024


Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU) in Kottayam, Kerala, secured the top position among Indian universities, ranking 81st globally in THE Young University Rankings 2024.

An Overview of the News

  • Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, retained its global top spot for the second consecutive year.

  • Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (TN), ranked 96th globally, joins 

  • The 2024 ranking encompasses 673 universities, a notable increase from 605 in 2023.

  • Over five years, the number of Asian universities listed has doubled from 165 in 2020 to 327 in 2024.

  • India's representation in the 2024 ranking has grown to 55 institutions, up from 45 in 2023 and 26 in 2020.

About THE

  • The inaugural edition of Times Higher Education (THE) was published in October 1971.

  • THE is headquartered in London, United Kingdom (UK).

By admin: May 9, 2024

10. India Ranks 159th in World Press Freedom Index 2024; Norway Maintains Top Position

Tags: Reports INDEX

The World Press Freedom Index 2024, published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), ranks India 159th out of 180 countries, with a score of 31.28.

An Overview of the News

  • Norway maintains its top position for the 8th consecutive year, with Denmark and Sweden following closely in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively.

  • The lowest three rankings are held by Eritrea (180th), Syria (179th), and Afghanistan (178th).

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) marked World Press Freedom Day 2024 on May 3rd by releasing a report titled "Press and Planet in Danger: Safety of Environmental Journalists; Trends, Challenges, and Recommendations."

About the UNESCO

  • Director-General : Audrey Azoulay

  • Headquarters: Paris, France

  • Establishment: 1945

  • Membership: Consists of 194 Members and 12 Associate Members