Tags: Summits
Why in the news?
Lok Sabha speakerShri Om Birla will inaugurate the 85th All India Presiding Officers’ Conference (AIPOC) in Patna, Bihar on Monday, the 20th January, 2025.
Important points:
Theme of the two-day conference which is being organised in Bihar for the third time is ‘75th Anniversary of Constitution: Contribution of Parliament and State legislative bodies in strengthening constitutional values.’
During the conference, Shri Birla will release the 8th edition of ‘Practice and Procedure of Parliament’.Shri Birla will also inaugurate Neva Seva Kendra in Bihar Legislature premises on 21 January, 2025.
The 85th AIPOC will be preceded by the 61st Conference of Secretaries of Legislative Bodies in India on 19 January, 2025 in Patna, Bihar.
During the conference, the delegates will deliberate on “Adoption of modern technologies in our legislative bodies for greater efficiency, effectiveness and productivity”. Secretary-General, Lok Sabha Shri Utpal Kumar Singh will inaugurate and address the Conference.
Tags: Summits
Why in the news?
Lok Sabha Speaker Shri Om Birla said that the thrust of the28th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of Parliaments of Commonwealth Countries (CSPOC) scheduled to be held in India next yearwould be application of AI and social media in the working of Parliaments.
Important points:
He made these observations while chairing the Standing Committee Meeting of the Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of Commonwealth (CSPOC) in Guernsey.
The session brought together parliamentary leaders to address pressing global challenges and lay thegroundwork for the 28th CSPOC, which India will host in 2026.
Addressing the Session, Shri Birla acknowledged the CSPOC platform as an invaluable opportunity for member countries to exchange best practices, strengthen parliamentary cooperation, and collectively work towards building a just and equitable future.
About Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of Parliaments of Commonwealth Countries (CSPOC):
The Conference brings together the Speakers and Presiding Officers of the national parliaments of the independent sovereign states of the Commonwealth.
It was created in 1969 as an initiative of then Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, the Honourable Lucien Lamoureux. Since its inception, Canada has provided CSPOC with a secretariat to support its activities.
The Conference is an independent group and has no formal affiliation with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the Commonwealth Secretariat or the Commonwealth Heads of Government.
CSPOC operates on a two-year cycle, holding a conference of the full membership every two years, usually early in January, and a meeting of the Standing Committee at the same time the intervening year.
The Conference aims to:
Maintain, foster, and encourage impartiality and fairness on the part of Speakers and Presiding Officers of Parliaments.
Promote knowledge and understanding of parliamentary democracy in its various forms and Develop parliamentary institutions.
3. 59th DGsP/IGsP Conference 2024
Tags: Summits
59th DGsP/IGsP Conference 2024
Why in the news?
- Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation Shri Amit Shah today inaugurated 59thDGsP/IGsP Conference 2024 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Important points:.
- The conference, being held in a hybrid format, is attended by DGsP/IGsP of all States/UTs and heads of the CAPFs/CPOs physically and by officers of various ranks virtually from all States. National Security Advisor, Ministers of State for Home, Union Home Secretary also participated in the deliberations.
- On this occasion, Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah conferred Police Medals for Meritorious Service to officers of the Intelligence Bureau and released the Ministry of Home Affairs’ book on ‘Ranking of Police Stations 2024’.
- Shri Shah also awarded trophies to the three best police stations.
- In his inaugural address, Shri Amit Shah congratulated the police leadership for the smooth conduct of the General Elections-2024 and the seamless roll out of the 3 new Criminal Laws.
- Shri Amit Shah said that the 3 new Criminal Laws have transformed the ethos of the criminal justice system of the country from punishment-oriented to justice-oriented. He emphasised that the spirit of the new laws is rooted in Indian tradition.
4. Second India-CARICOM Summit
Tags: Summits
Second India-CARICOM Summit
Why in news?
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the Prime Minister of Grenada, H.E. Mr. Dickon Mitchell, the current CARICOM Chair, chaired the 2nd India-CARICOM Summit in Georgetown on 20 November 2024.
Important Points:
- The first India-CARICOM Summit was held in 2019 in New York.
- Expressing his deep solidarity with the people of CARICOM, Prime Minister conveyed his sympathies for the destruction caused by Hurricane Beryl.
- To further build on India’s close development partnership and strong people to people ties with the region, the Prime Minister offered assistance to CARICOM countries in seven key areas.
These areas fit well with the CARICOM acronym and amplify the close bonds of friendship between India and the group. They are:
- C: Capacity Building
- A: Agriculture and Food Security
- R: Renewable Energy and Climate Change
- I: Innovation, Technology and Trade
- C: Cricket and Culture
- O: Ocean Economy and Maritime Security
- M: Medicine and Healthcare
What is CARICOM?
- CARICOM stands for the Caribbean Community, an intergovernmental organization that's a political and economic union of 20 countries in the Caribbean, Americas, and Atlantic Ocean.
Member states:
- 15 countries, including Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, The Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Associate members:
- 5 countries, including Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, and the Turks and Caicos Islands .
- The headquartersof the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is located at Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana.
5. 19th G20 Summit -2024
Tags: Summits
19th G20 Summit -2024
Why in the news?
- The 19th G20 Summit 2024,officially known as the Summit Rio 2024, is set to convene onNovember 18 and 19, 2024, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Brazil took over the rotating presidency of the G20 on December 1, 2023 fromIndia.
What is the G20?
- The G20 (Group of Twenty) comprises 19 countries(Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, United Kingdom and United States) and two regional bodies: the European Union and the African Union (as of 2024).
- The G20 members represent around 85% of the global GDP, over 75% of the global trade, and about two-thirds of the world population.
- The G20 doesnot have a permanent secretariat or headquarters. Instead, the presidency rotates annually among member countries, which host the summit and set the agenda for the year.
G20 Summit 2024 Theme:
- The theme for the G20 Summit 2024 is “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet.”
- This theme underscores Brazil’s commitment to addressing global inequalities, promoting environmental sustainability, and reforming international institutions to better reflect the current global landscape.
Significance of G-20:
- It was established in 1999, its primary objective is to promote international financial stability and sustainable development by facilitating dialogue among major economies.
- This pivotal gathering brings together leaders from the world’s major economies to address pressing global challenges and shape international economic policies.
6. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29),2024 kicked off on Monday (November 11) in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.
Tags: Summits
चर्चा में क्यों?
- अज़रबैजान की राजधानी बाकू में आयोजित वैश्विक जलवायु वार्ता के पहले दिन एक ऐतिहासिक निर्णय में, COP-29 ने अनुच्छेद 6 के तहत पेरिस समझौते के तंत्र के लिए आधिकारिक तौर पर नए परिचालन मानकों को अपनाया है, जो वैश्विक कार्बन के लिए मंच तैयार करता है।
- यह देशों और कंपनियों को कार्बन ऑफसेट का व्यापार करने के लिए दो रास्ते प्रदान करता है, जो उनके जलवायु कार्य योजनाओं में निर्धारित उत्सर्जन में कमी के लक्ष्यों की प्राप्ति या राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर निर्धारित योगदान का समर्थन करता है
- संयुक्त राष्ट्र जलवायु परिवर्तन सम्मेलन (COP29), 2024 सोमवार (11 नवंबर) को अज़रबैजान की राजधानी बाकू में शुरू हुआ।
- COP29 का प्राथमिक लक्ष्य वैश्विक तापमान में और वृद्धि को रोकने के लिए एक साझा योजना विकसित करने के लिए देशों को एक साथ लाना है।
- यह विकासशील देशों को जलवायु परिवर्तन के प्रतिकूल प्रभावों से निपटने में मदद करने के लिए जलवायु वित्त को बढ़ाने पर भी ध्यान केंद्रित करेगा।
COP क्या है?
- पार्टियों का सम्मेलन, या COP, जलवायु परिवर्तन पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र फ्रेमवर्क कन्वेंशन (UNFCCC) का सर्वोच्च शासी निकाय है, जो 1992 में हस्ताक्षरित एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संधि है, जिसने जलवायु वार्ता के लिए एक आधार प्रदान किया है।
- UNFCCC पार्टियों (संधि में शामिल होने वाले देश) को ग्रीनहाउस गैस सांद्रता को स्थिर करने के लिए एक साथ कार्य करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध करता है "एक ऐसे स्तर पर जो जलवायु प्रणाली के साथ खतरनाक मानवजनित (मानव-प्रेरित) हस्तक्षेप को रोक देगा"।
- वर्तमान में, UNFCCC में 198 पार्टियाँ (197 देश और यूरोपीय संघ) हैं, जो लगभग सार्वभौमिक सदस्यता का गठन करती हैं।
- जलवायु परिवर्तन पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र फ्रेमवर्क कन्वेंशन (UNFCCC) के लिए पार्टियों का पहला सम्मेलन (COP) 28 मार्च से 7 अप्रैल, 1995 तक बर्लिन, जर्मनी में आयोजित किया गया था। 1995 से हर साल, COVID-19 महामारी के कारण 2020 को छोड़कर, पार्टियाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जलवायु नीति पर चर्चा करने और सहमत होने के लिए एक साथ आती हैं।
COP की आलोचनाएँ:
- पिछले कुछ वर्षों में, सबसे बड़ी आलोचना विकासशील देशों को जलवायु वित्त प्रदान करने में COP की विफलता रही है।
- उदाहरण के लिए, 2009 में, सबसे धनी देशों ने, जो जलवायु संकट के लिए असंगत रूप से जिम्मेदार हैं, 2020 से हर साल विकासशील देशों के लिए ग्रीनहाउस गैस उत्सर्जन को कम करने और जलवायु संकट के प्रभावों के अनुकूल होने में मदद करने के लिए धन जुटाने का वादा किया था। वे अपने वादे को पूरा करने में विफल रहे।
COP29 से अपेक्षाएँ:
- पार्टियाँ नए सामूहिक परिमाणित लक्ष्य (NCQG) पर बातचीत कर रही हैं, एक नई राशि जिसे 2025 से हर साल विकसित देशों द्वारा विकासशील देशों में जलवायु कार्रवाई के वित्तपोषण के लिए जुटाया जाना चाहिए।
- यह उस 100 बिलियन डॉलर से अधिक होना चाहिए जिसे विकसित देशों ने सामूहिक रूप से 2020 से हर साल जुटाने का वादा किया था।
7. 83rd Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Annual Session
Tags: Summits
83rd Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Annual Session
Why in news?
- Recently 83rd IRC Annual Session-Raipur (Chhattisgarh) from 8 to 11 November, 2024
- The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) was set up by the Government of India in consultation with the State Governments in December, 1934.
- It is the premier body of Highways Engineers in India.
- The Principal objectives of the India Roads Congress are to provide a national forum for regular pooling of experience and ideas on all matters concerned with the construction and maintenance of highways, to recommend standard specifications and to provide a platform for the expression of professional opinion on matters relating to roads and road transport including those of organizations and administration.
- It is also publishing Journals, monthly magazines and research bulletins.
- IRC is a registered society under the Registration of Society Act,1860 and is financed by contributions from the Central Government, various State Governments and also contributions from its Members and sale of Publication.
8. First Asian Buddhist Summit
Tags: Summits
First Asian Buddhist Summit
Why in news?
- First Asian Buddhist Summit (ABS)will be held on November 5-6, 2024, in New Delhi.
Objective of the Summit:
- To celebrate this rich heritage, the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, in collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC), is hosting the First Asian Buddhist Summit .
- India, a vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures and religious beliefs, has long been a heartland of Buddhism.
- This ancient tradition not only flourished within its borders but also spread to various countries.
Theme of the summit:
- The summit, themed "Role of Buddha Dhamma in Strengthening Asia," will feature esteemed Sangha leaders, scholars, and practitioners from across the continent, fostering dialogue and understanding while addressing contemporary challenges faced by the Buddhist community.
- The Hon’ble President of India will attend as the Chief Guest.
Significance of Buddhist Summit:
- By hosting the Asian Buddhist Summit, India not only reaffirms its commitment to the principles of Buddha Dhamma but also positions itself as a leader in nurturing the growth and relevance of Buddhism in contemporary society, ensuring that its teachings continue to inspire future generations.
About Buddhism:
- The journey of Buddha Dhamma began in the 6th century BCE when Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment and began sharing his profound insights.
- Following the Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, his teachings were preserved and disseminated by his followers, leading to the emergence of the three major Buddhist traditions: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
9. Ayush Medical Value Travel Summit 2024 Launched in Mumbai
Tags: Summits National News
The summit was inaugurated by Prataprao Jadhav, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge), Ministry of Ayush.
An Overview of the News
The theme for 2024 is "Global Synergy in Ayush: Transforming Health and Wellness through Medical Value Travel."
They are organized by the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, the Government of Maharashtra, and key partners.
Health Initiatives:
Ayush is addressing major health concerns like diabetes and liver diseases with evidence-based treatments.
Plans for free Ayush treatment for government employees and establishing affordable Ayush centers at block and tehsil levels.
The first Ayush Jan Aushadhi Center will be inaugurated on October 9, promoting traditional practices in healthcare.
Collaborative Efforts:
The Ministry of Ayush signed an MOU with the Ministry of Tourism to promote Ayush and medical value travel.
Collaboration with state tourism departments to enhance Ayurvedic wellness travel and promote significant archaeological sites.
Focus on Medical Value Travel:
The summit aims to position India as a global hub for holistic healthcare through Ayush systems, enhancing the country's Medical Value Travel (MVT) sector.
10. Hyderabad Hosts Global Artificial Intelligence Summit 2024
Tags: Summits
The Global Artificial Intelligence Summit 2024 was held on September 5th and 6th at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre.
An Overview of the News
The summit wasinaugurated by Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy and the theme is “Making AI Work for Everyone”.
Key Participants:
Information Technology and Industries Minister D. Sridhar Babu joined the inauguration.
The event attracted over two thousand delegates from around the world.
Summit Highlights:
The summit featured a central plenary and specialized sessions focusing on AI advancements, practical applications, and future opportunities.
Activities included hackathons, lighting demonstrations, startup showcases, and panel discussions with global AI experts.
Special Announcements:
The state government unveiled the ambitious AI City project during the summit.
High-profile discussions included contributions from organizations such as the World Bank and WHO.
About Telangana
It is in south-central India, on the Deccan Plateau.
11th largest Indian state by area.
Formed on June 2, 2014, from Andhra Pradesh.
Borders Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.
33 districts as of 2019.
Capital: Hyderabad
Governor: Jishnu Dev Varma
Chief Minister:Revanth Reddy
Rajya Sabha: 7 seats
Lok Sabha: 17 seats