77th Indian Independence Day 2023

Tags: National News

77th-Indian-Independence-Day-2023India celebrated its 77th Independence Day on August 15, 2023, with the theme "Nation First, Always First".

An Overview of the News

  • The theme "Nation First, Always First" emphasizes national integration and development, reflecting the government's priorities.

  • This festival highlights the diverse culture and unity of India.

Programs on 77th Indian Independence Day:

  • Independence Day celebrates the independence and unity of India.

  • The Prime Minister hoists the flag at the Red Fort, which is followed by celebrations across the country.

  • A military parade at Rajpath showcases the might of the Indian Armed Forces.

  • Cultural programs showcase the rich heritage of India through music, dance, and drama.

  • Commemorative events include postage stamps, coins, and religious ceremonies.

  • Public celebrations include patriotic songs, dances, and the distribution of sweets.

History of Independence Day 2023:

  • Indian Independence Day has its roots in the rise of the independence movement in the 19th century.

  • Leaders like Gandhi, Nehru, and Bose led the movement against British rule.

  • India gained independence on August 15, 1947, when the Indian Independence Act of 1947 came into effect.

  • The first Independence Day was celebrated in 1947 with Nehru's iconic flag-hoisting speech.

  • The date marks the culmination of the long struggle for independence and is a national holiday to honor the sacrifices.

Major events leading to India's independence:

  • 1857-1858: The Indian Mutiny (Sepoy Mutiny) against British rule highlights discontent and a desire for change.

  • 1885: Formation of the Indian National Congress (INC) to advocate for Indian representation in the government.

  • 1905: Protests against the partition of Bengal reflect opposition to British policies.

  • 1919: The Jallianwala Bagh massacre sparked outrage and strengthened nationalist sentiment.

  • 1920-1922: Non-cooperation movement led by Gandhiji encouraged the boycott of British institutions.

  • 1930-1934: The Civil Disobedience Movement challenges the Salt Laws and promotes nonviolent resistance.

  • 1930s: Constitutional reforms for India were discussed at the Round Table Conference in London.

  • 1942: The Quit India Movement led by Gandhiji demanded the end of British rule.

  • 1942-1945: Participation in World War II and the formation of the Indian National Army (INA) ignited Indian aspirations.

  • 1947: India was partitioned due to the Mountbatten plan and independence was achieved on 15 August.

  • 1947: Partition resulted in communal violence and displacement.

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