China Launches Gaofen-11 05 Satellite

Tags: International News

On July 19, China launched the 'Gaofen-11 05', a high-resolution optical Earth Observation Satellite (EOS), into space.

An Overview of the News

  • The satellite was deployed aboard a Long March-4B carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC) in Shanxi Province, China.

  • This launch represents the 528th mission of the Long March rocket series and China's 33rd orbital mission of 2024.

Gaofen-11 05 Details:

  • Purpose: Conduct land surveys, urban planning, road network design, crop yield estimation, land ownership verification, disaster prevention, and mitigation.

  • It will also support the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and national defense modernization.

Gaofen-11 & CHEOS Overview:

  • The Gaofen-11 series is part of the China High-definition Earth Observation System (CHEOS), with the first satellite, Gaofen-11 01, launched in 2018.

  • Gaofen-11 satellites feature large apertures (over 1.5 meters) for optical remote sensing.

  • CHEOS is a state-sponsored program designed to create a near-real-time, all-weather global surveillance network that includes satellites, stratospheric airships, and aerial observation platforms.

About China

  • Capital -Beijing

  • Official language - Standard Chinese

  • Currency - Renminbi

  • Official language - Mandarin

  • President -Xi Jinping

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