Collegium System of the Supreme Court: Appointments and Judicial System

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Supreme Court collegium system

  • Introduction: The collegium system of the Supreme Court is an important aspect of the appointment of Supreme Court judges and understanding of the judicial system.

  • Evolution: The system of appointment and transfer of judges has evolved through decisions of the Supreme Court rather than through an Act of Parliament or provision of the Constitution.

Structure of the Collegium System

  • Head: The collegium system is headed by the Chief Justice of India (CJI), who plays a key role in the appointment process.

  • Members: The Collegium consists of the four other senior-most judges of the Supreme Court. They collectively participate in taking decisions regarding appointments and transfers of judges.

  • High Court Collegium: In the case of High Courts, the collegium is headed by the Chief Justice of the concerned court, along with two other senior-most judges.

Appointment Process

  • Exclusive authority: Judges of the higher judiciary are appointed solely through the collegium system. This is the primary mechanism of selection of judges for the Supreme Court and the High Courts.

  • Government's role: The government's involvement comes into play after the collegium finalizes the names of potential candidates. The role of the government includes carrying out the appointment process and issuing formal appointment orders.

Supreme Court Of India

  • Headquarters: New Delhi

  • Established: 26 January 1950

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