Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant launches Grih Aadhaar Scheme and Chavath-e-Bazaar

Tags: Government Schemes

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant launched the Griha Aadhaar scheme and Chavath-e-Bazaar to empower housewives in Goa by providing them with financial assistance.

An Overview of the News

  • The objective of the Griha Aadhaar scheme is to promote the financial independence and well-being of housewives, recognize their contribution and improve their socio-economic status.

  • The Griha Aadhaar initiative led by the Directorate of Women and Child Development is an important step towards women's empowerment.

Support and Delivery:

  • Number of beneficiaries: 11,500 newly sanctioned orders were distributed across the state, of which 6,000 orders were allocated to North Goa, taking the total to 1.5 lakh women beneficiaries.

  • Training for self-reliance: Women are provided free training in their respective Panchayats, covering essential skills related to packaging, selling and other relevant aspects of food items.

  • Annual Increment: Griha Aadhaar beneficiaries have received financial assistance directly into their accounts on the same day, and the scheme also includes an annual increment for continued support.

Chavath-e-Bazaar Event:

  • Chief Minister Sawant also launched the Chavath-e-Bazaar programme, part of the Swayampura Goa programme, which aims to empower local entrepreneurs through e-commerce.

  • Chavath-e-Bazaar provides a platform to local artisans and entrepreneurs to showcase their products to a wide audience.

  • The government's commitment is in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Vocal for Local' vision to promote indigenous industries and grassroots businesses.

Chavath-e-Bazaar for Women Entrepreneurs:

  • Digital Platform: Chavath-e-Bazaar is an online portal integrated with the Swiggy app for seamless ordering, providing promising opportunities for women entrepreneurs.

  • Empowering Dreams: The digital platform facilitates women to realize their dreams of becoming successful entrepreneurs.

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