India-United States Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS X) launched in Washington DC

Tags: International Relations Defence International News

India-United-States-Defence-Acceleration-Ecosystem-(INDUS-X)The U.S. Department of Defense and the Indian Ministry of Defense launched the India-U S Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) on 21st June at an event hosted by the U S-India Business Council.

An overview of the news

  • The launch of INDUS-X is a major milestone in promoting US-India defense cooperation, innovation, and job creation.

  • The initiative seeks to enhance defense capabilities and contribute to global peace, security and prosperity while reaffirming commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

Significance of INDUS-X

  • INDUS-X aims to revitalize defense industrial cooperation between the United States and India, promoting the development of new technologies and fostering collaboration in manufacturing. 

  • It represents a strategic effort to strengthen bilateral ties and unlock the potential for advancements in the defense sector.

Job Creation and Economic Growth

  • INDUS-X holds the potential to create job opportunities for working families in both countries. 

  • By fostering collaboration between U S and Indian start-ups, the initiative aims to generate employment and drive economic growth, contributing to global peace, security, and prosperity.

Collaboration Agenda

  • This agenda outlines various initiatives that INDUS-X stakeholders intend to pursue, complementing existing government-to-government collaboration. 

  • These initiatives include the formation of a Senior Advisory Group for Start-ups.

Indo-Pacific Defence Capabilities

  • U S and Indian officials have affirmed that INDUS-X will act as a catalyst for innovation and contribute to equipping their armed forces with the necessary capabilities to ensure the defense of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. 

  • This emphasizes the shared commitment to regional security and stability.

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