Tamil Nadu Police Launches New Scheme for Women Traveling Alone at Night

Tags: State News

 Tamil Nadu policeThe Tamil Nadu police have introduced a new scheme called 'Pengal Pathukaaptu Thittam' (Women Safety Scheme) in Chennai city on 20th June. 

An overview of the news

  • The scheme aims to provide safe transportation for women who return from work between 10 pm and 7 am. It is operational every day of the week.

  • Women who feel unsafe while traveling alone at night can dial helpline numbers such as 1091, 112, 044-23452365, and 044-28447701. 

  • Upon receiving a call, the police will dispatch a patrol vehicle to accompany the women and ensure their safe transportation to their residences.

Addressing Safety Concerns

  • The scheme has been implemented in response to the increasing number of women working in various shifts.

  • Often, women are dropped off at a location by office vehicles, and they have to walk alone to reach their homes. 

Use of Mobile Applications

  • Previously, the police encouraged the use of the 'Kaavalan' SOS mobile application for safety purposes. 

  • In October of the previous year, the Coimbatore police launched the 'Police Akka' project, which focused on preventing crimes against female students. 

  • Police personnel were designated to visit colleges, interact with students, and build a strong rapport with them.

About Tamil Nadu State 

  • The state was formed on 26 January 1950 but its boundaries were redrawn on 14 January 1969.

  • Tamil Nadu is located at the mouth of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.

  • Bharatanatyam is a very popular and famous dance form of Tamil Nadu.

  • Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of bananas and flowers, the second largest producer of mango, rubber, groundnut, coconut and the third largest producer of coffee.

  • Governor- Ravindra Narayan Ravi

  • Chief Minister- M.K.Stalin

  • Assembly seats- 235 seats

  • Rajya Sabha Seats - 18

  • Lok Sabha seats- 39

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