ISRO launches first satellite of the 2022

Tags: Popular Science and Technology National News

The Indian Space Research Organisation-  (ISRO) successfully launched a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle -C52(PSLV-C52) on 14 February 2022 from the  Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

The PSLV-C52 rocket carried three satellites EOS-04 ,INSPIR Esat-1and INS-2TD)

Satellites carried by PSLV-C52

ESO-04 Satellite 

  • It is a Radar Imaging Satellite designed to provide high quality images under all weather conditions for applications such as Agriculture, Forestry and Plantations, Soil Moisture and Hydrology and Flood mapping.

  •  It is a 1,710 kg satellite which was built at the  UR Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru.

  • It will be deployed into a sun synchronous polar orbit of 529 km.


It is a micro satellite made by students of Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology ,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala  in association with Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics at University of Colorado, Boulder, Nanyang Technology University  (NTU), Singapore and  National Central University(NCU),, Taiwan.


It is a technology demonstrator satellite which is a forerunner to the India-Bhutan satellite INS 2-B

Fact about ISRO PSLV Mission 

  • Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is a four stage rocket of ISRO which was launched on 30 September 1993 for the first time . 

  •  This was the 80th launch vehicle mission from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota;

  •   It was the 54th flight of PSLV; 

  • It was the  23rd flight of PSLV in the XL configuration (6 strap-on motors).

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

  • ISRO was set up on 15 August 1969

  • Chairman of ISRO: S Somnath 

  • Headquarters of ISRO : Bengaluru, Karnataka

  • Space Station from where ISRO launches rockets 

  • Satish  Dhawan  Space  Centre  (SDSC)  SHAR,  Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

Full form for Exam 

  • ISRO: Indian Space Research Organisation 

  • PSLV  : Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle 

  • EOS : Earth Observation Satellite 

  • SDSC: Satish Dhawan Space Centre 

  • SHAR :Sriharikota Range 

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