ISRO releases images of Earth captured by its EOS-06 satellite

Tags: Science and Technology

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has recently released images of Earth captured by the EOS-06 satellite.

An overview of the news

  • The images are a mosaic generated by ISRO's National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC).

  • The images have been captured by the Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) payload on board EOS-06 by NRSC.

About EOS-06 satellite

  • Earth Observation satellite (EOS-6) is the third-generation satellite in the Oceansat series.

  • It provides continued services of Oceansat-2 with enhanced payload capability.

  • It was launched by ISRO onboard the PSLV-C54 along with eight Nano-satellites on 26 November, 2022.

  • It provides continued services of Oceansat-2 with enhanced payload capability and carries four payloads OCM-, Sea Surface Temperature Monitor, Ku-Band Scatterometer, and ARGOS.

Objectives of the Mission

  • Ensuring data continuity of ocean color and wind vector data to maintain operational applications.

  • To improve the applications, adjusting the number of bands in the optical region for some additional datasets such as sea surface temperature and fluorescence.

  • Develop related algorithms and data products.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

  • ISRO was set up on 15 August 1969.

  • Chairman of ISRO: S Somnath

  • Headquarters of ISRO : Bengaluru, Karnataka

  • Space Station from where ISRO launches rockets :

  • Satish  Dhawan  Space  Centre  (SDSC)  SHAR,  Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh

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