Jiya Rai Becomes World's Youngest and Fastest Female Para Swimmer to Cross the English Channel

Tags: Sports

Indian athlete Jiya Rai has become the world's youngest and fastest female para swimmer to cross the English Channel.

An Overview of the News

  • At 16 years old, she completed the 34 km stretch from Abbots Cliff in England to Pointe de la Courte-Dune in France in 17 hours and 25 minutes.

Inspiring Career

  • Jiya is an internationally renowned open water para swimmer with a world record in open water swimming.

  • She has achieved several milestones despite her disability, including swimming across Palk Bay.

  • She has received numerous awards, including the prestigious Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMB) – 2022.

Dedication and Recognition

  • Jiya dedicated her English Channel swim to raising awareness about autism.

  • She is the daughter of a naval personnel stationed in Mumbai.

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