Launch of 'Legal Aid Defense Counseling System (LADCS)'

Tags: State News

Launch-of-'Legal-Aid-Defense-Counseling-System-(LADCS)'The Uttar Pradesh government launched the 'Legal Aid Defense Counseling System (LADCS)' on 22 June 2023.

An Overview of the News

  • LADCS is implemented under Uttar Pradesh State Legal Services Authority.

  • This program will be effective for two years.

Objective of LADCS:

  • LADCS aims to provide free legal aid to the needy, especially in criminal matters.

  • This program operates in districts or headquarters under Uttar Pradesh.

Legal Aid Services:

  • LADCS offers representation, trial and appeal in all Sessions, Special, Magistrate and Executive Courts.

  • The primary focus is on providing legal aid services in criminal matters.

Legal Advice and Assistance:

  • LADCS provides legal advice and assistance to persons appearing in the District Court/Office for their defence.

  • This provision ensures guidance and support throughout the legal process.

Appeal in Criminal Cases:

  • LADCS assists individuals in filing appeals at various stages of criminal cases.

  • It includes pre-arrest, post-arrest, bail, trial and remand phases.

  • This assistance is provided under the National Legal Services Authority scheme.

Benefits of LADCS (Legal Aid and Community Development Scheme):

  • Direct benefits to SC/ST and victims of illegal acts

  • Assistance to Industrial Workers

  • Assistance to people in police custody

  • Assistance to persons affected by disasters (ethnic violence, flood, drought, earthquake, industrial disaster)

  • Support for mentally ill persons (in safe homes, mental hospitals or nursing homes)

  • Inclusion of low income individuals (annual income < ₹3,00,000).

About Uttar Pradesh

  • It is a state located in the northern part of India.

  • It has a population of over 240 million, making it the most populous state in India as well as the most populous subdivision in the world.

  • The state was officially established in 1950.

Chief Minister - Yogi Adityanath

Capital - Lucknow (Executive Branch)

Governor - Anandiben Patel

Rajya Sabha - 31 seats

Lok Sabha - 80 seats

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