New Zealand becomes the first country to ban plastic product bags

Tags: International News

New Zealand has become the first country to ban plastic produce bags in supermarkets.

An Overview of the News

  • New Zealand has banned the thin plastic bags commonly used in supermarkets for the collection of fruit and vegetables.

  • Plastic straws and silverware are also included in the ban as part of the government's campaign against single-use plastics.

  • The ban bans the manufacture, sale and distribution of single-use plastic product bags, plastic plates, bowls and cutlery.

  • Some establishments, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitality venues and health and disability services, are exempt and can still sell and provide plastic straws to people with disabilities.

  • Since the 2019 ban on take-home plastic bags, customers in New Zealand have been using reusable tote bags for their shopping.

About New Zealand

  • Capital - Wellington

  • Emperor - Charles III

  • Governor General - Cindy Kiro

  • Prime Minister - Chris Hipkins

  • Currency - New Zealand Dollar

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