Parshottam Rupala launched the ‘Report Fish Disease’ App

Tags: National National News

Parshottam-Rupala-launched-the-‘Report-Fish-Disease’-AppUnion Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Parshottam Rupala launched the 'Report Fish Disease' (RFD) app at Krishi Bhavan on 28 June to enhance the farmer-based disease reporting system and improve the reporting of aquatic animal diseases in India.

An overview of the news

  • The RFD app has been developed by ICAR-NBFGR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources) under the National Surveillance Program for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD).

  • NSPAAD is funded by the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana.

  • The primary objective of the RFD app is to assist farmers in improving their reporting methods, obtaining scientific guidance, and minimizing losses caused by diseases.

  • This, in turn, helps increase farmers' income and overall profitability.

Benefits of RFD App 

  • The RFD app enables farmers to report disease incidents in finfish, shrimps, and mollusks on their farms, allowing them to connect with field-level officers and fish health experts. 

  • This facilitates the exchange of information and provides farmers with scientific advice for effective disease management.

  • The app stores data related to diseases on a temporal and spatial scale, enabling the mapping of disease cases. 

  • The implementation of the Fish Disease Reporting App has a significant impact on fish disease management. 

  • It promotes early detection of diseases, facilitates rapid response measures, fosters collaboration among stakeholders, and facilitates knowledge sharing.

  • By mitigating the negative impacts of fish diseases on fish populations, the industry, and ecosystems, the app contributes to the sustainability and resilience of aquaculture systems.

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