Srinivasan K Swamy elected as Chairman of Audit Bureau of Circulation

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RK Swamy Hansa Group Executive Chairman Srinivasan K Swamy was elected as the Chairman of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) for 2023-2024.

An Overview of the News

  • Srinivasan K Swamy is currently the Chairman of the Asian Federation of Advertising Associations.

  • He held leadership roles in various organizations including the International Advertising Association (IAA) and the Advertising Agencies Association of India.

  • He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI).

  • HormuzdMasani held the position of Secretary General in the Audit Bureau of Circulations.

Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC):-

  • Established in 1948

  • Headquartered in Mumbai

Major appointments of ABC:

  • Vice Chairman: Riyad Mathew

  • Secretary: Mohit Jain

  • Treasurer: Vikram Sakhuja

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