The 2nd edition of Naval Commanders' Conference, 2023 begins in New Delhi

Tags: Summits

The second edition of the Naval Commanders' Conference, 2023 began in New Delhi on 4 September.

An Overview of the News

  • The conference serves as the highest-level biennial event, which facilitates discussion and policy formulation among naval commanders.

  • During the three-day conference, to be held in a hybrid format, the senior leadership of the Indian Navy will review major operational, material, logistics, training, and administrative activities undertaken during the last six months.

  • The objective of the conference is to establish a structured platform for naval commanders to engage with senior government officials with a focus on taking forward various inter-ministerial initiatives aimed at ensuring a safe and secure maritime environment.

Indian Navy (IN):-

  • It is the marine branch of the Indian Armed Forces.

  • The President of India is the supreme commander of the Indian Navy.

  • The Chief of Naval Staff, a four-star admiral, leads the Navy.

  • The Navy operates as a blue-water force in areas such as the Persian Gulf, the Horn of Africa, and the Malacca Straits.

  • Established - 26 January 1950

  • Headquarters - New Delhi

  • Navy Day - 4 December

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