The Madras Boating club women team wins the Adyar Trophy at the 81st Annual Madras-Colombo Rowing Regatta

Tags: Sports

81st Annual Madras-Colombo Rowing Regatta

The Madras Boating Club women won the 81st Annual Madras-Colombo Rowing Regatta held at Colombo, Sri Lanka on 26 November 2022. They were conferred the Adyar Trophy.

However the men’s section of the race was won by the Colombo Rowing Club and they were conferred with the   Deepam trophy... 

The Madras-Colombo Rowing Regatta is organised by the Madras Boat Club and the Colombo Rowing Club. They organise it alternately and this year the event is taking place after a gap of 3 years due to the corona pandemic.

Madras-Colombo Rowing Regatta

The first-ever Madras-Colombo Rowing Regatta was held way back in 1898 and is considered the oldest sporting encounter held between India and Sri Lanka.

The main event of the Regatta is the Men’s boat race which is considered to be the second oldest boat race in the world, second only to the famous Oxford-Cambridge boat race.

The overall winners of the Men’s event are awarded the prestigious Deepam Trophy while the Adyar Trophy is awarded to the Women’s champions.

The boat race is held for a distance of 1,000 meters. 

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