World Scout Day

Tags: Important Days

Every year on February 22, World Scout Day is observed. 

An overview of the news

  • It is the birth anniversary of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of scouting and is also his wife Olave Baden-Powell's birth anniversary.

  • The day is also celebrated as World Thinking Day across the world by Boy Scouts and Girl Guides/Girl Scouts and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

  • It is a day on which Scouting representatives take a pledge to live up to the promises made by the Scouting movement.

  • The theme of World Scout Day 2023 is “Our World: Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality”.

Background of the day

  • Baron Baden-Powell, born 22 February 1857 in Paddington, London, England, is considered the founder of Scouting.

  • His wife was born on 22 February in 1889, so the day is celebrated as the birthday of both Mr. and Mrs. Baden-Powell.

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