Current Affairs search results for tag: important-days
By admin: Oct. 24, 2022

1. United Nations Day

Tags: Important Days

United Nations Day

Every year 24 October is observed as the United Nations Day. On this Day in 1945 the United Nations charter came into force with the ratification of the United Nations charter by majority of the countries including the five permanent members of the UN Security council The United States, France, China, Soviet Union and the United Kingdom.

Background to the Day 

On 31st October 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to observe the day as the United Nations Day to make people aware of the aims and achievements and to gain their support further.

The first UN Day was observed in 1948.

In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter. 

The United Nations came into being on 24 October 1945. India is the original founder member of the United Nations. It replaced the League of Nations which failed to prevent the First World War.

About United Nations  

United Nations member countries 193. 

Official Language of the UN: Russian, English, French, Arabic, Chinese and Spanish.

Motto of the UN: Peace, dignity and equality

On a healthy planet

Secretary General of the United Nation: António Guterres

Headquarters: New York, United States of America 

By admin: Oct. 23, 2022

2. Ayurveda Day

Tags: Important Days

Ayurveda Day

The 7th Ayurveda Day is being observed all over India on 23 October 2022. Ayurveda day is observed on Dhanwantari Jayanti and this year it is being observed on 23 October 2022. All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), under the Ministry of Ayush, is the nodal agency for implementing the Ministry of Ayush’s mandate for Ayurveda Day this year. The first Ayurveda day was observed in 2016.

Ayurveda Day 2022

As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav the Government of India organized a six week long programme (12th September-23rd October) to interact with and sensitize the people so that the message of Ayurveda can percolate down to all levels.

The main event on Ayurveda Day was held in New Delhi by the Ministry of Ayush and the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs Arjun Munda was the Chief Guest.

Theme of the Ayurveda Day 2022 

The theme of Ayurveda Day 2022 is “Har Din Har Ghar Ayurveda” so as to propagate benefits of Ayurveda to larger and grass root communities.

Who was Dhanwantari?

The original conception of Ayurveda in its entirety is essentially linked to Dhanwantari who is considered as God of Hindu Medicine.

Dhanwantari is considered mythical deity born with ambrosia (Amrit) in one hand and Ayurveda on the other at the end of the churning of milk ocean (Samudra Manthan). He reincarnated himself in the Chandra dynasty. He was born to King Dhanwa, learnt Ayurveda from Bharadwaja.

His great grandson Divodasa was also known as Dhanwantari, but was specialised only in the surgical branch of Ayurveda. Sushruta, is said to have learnt the art of science of surgery from Divodasa Dhanwantara.

By admin: Oct. 21, 2022

3. World Iodine Deficiency Day

Tags: Important Days

Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day (IDD) or World Iodine Deficiency Day is observed every year on 21 October.

Important facts

  • The theme of World Iodine Deficiency Day, 2022 is ‘Thyroid and Communication’.

  • The idea of the theme is to spread awareness of iodine and its importance. 

  • On this occasion, many activities are organised to create awareness among the general public regarding the prevention of iodine deficiency disorders.

  • On this occasion, World Iodine Deficiency Control Week will be celebrated from 21-27 October by the Health Department across the country.

Iodine and its importance

  • Iodine is a mineral used by the body to regulate metabolism.

  • It is an element that is needed for the production of thyroid hormone.

  • The body does not make iodine, so it is an essential part of our diet.

  • It also helps control bone growth and brain development in children.

  • It is found in seafood, iodized salt, dairy products and some fruits and vegetables.

  • Globally, 2 billion people are at risk of iodine deficiency diseases.

  • In 1992, iodized salt was made mandatory for human consumption in India.

By admin: Oct. 21, 2022

4. Police Commemoration Day

Tags: Important Days

Police Commemoration Day

Every year in India, October 21 is observed as Police Commemoration Day. 

Important facts

  • This day is celebrated to remember and honour the policemen who laid down their lives while fulfilling their responsibilities.

  • On this day events are organised to pay tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives in Ladakh on the Indo-China border.

  • In 1959, there was a lot of tension between the borders of India and China.

  • On 21 October 1959, China opened fire on 20 soldiers in Ladakh, out of which 10 Indian soldiers were killed.

  • The last rites of these policemen took place in eastern Ladakh. Since then October 21 is celebrated as Police Commemoration Day.

  • On the occasion of Police Commemoration Day in the year 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India's first National Police Memorial in New Delhi.

By admin: Oct. 20, 2022

5. World Statistics Day

Tags: Important Days

World Statistics Day

World Statistics Day is celebrated every year on 20 October with the aim of highlighting the achievements of the fundamental principles of official statistics around the world.

Important facts

  • It is celebrated every five years.

  • The United Nations Statistical Commission in its 41st session in February 2010 proposed to celebrate 20 October 2010 as World Statistics Day.

  • The theme of this year's World Statistics Day is 'Data for Sustainable Development'.

Significance of the day

  • The main significance of World Statistics Day is that statistics make things easier and faster. Also, it gives a clear glimpse of your past and present situation.

National Statistics Day

  • India celebrates National Statistics Day every year on 29 June in honour of the works and contributions of Professor and Scientist Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis.

About United Nations Statistical Commission 

  • The United Nations Statistical Commission is a functional commission established by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in the year 1947.

  • Headquarters - New York, United States

  • President - Shigeru Kawasaki

By admin: Oct. 20, 2022

6. World Osteoporosis Day

Tags: Important Days

World Osteoporosis Day

World Osteoporosis Day is observed every year on 20 October.

Important facts

  • The day is observed with the aim of raising global awareness about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.

  • The day aims to make the prevention of osteoporosis and fractures a global health priority by reaching out to health professionals, policy makers and the general public at large.

  • The theme of World Osteoporosis Day, 2022 is "Step Up for Bone Health".

  • Bone health is important at all stages of life, having strong bones is something that people should not take lightly.

Background of the day

  • World Osteoporosis Day was started on 20 October 1996 by the National Osteoporosis Society of the United Kingdom.

  • International Osteoporosis Foundation endorsed this day in the year 1997, since then this day is celebrated all over the world.

What is Osteoporosis?

  • In this disease, the bones become weak and fragile, causing them to break easily from falls and light bumps.

  • The main cause of this disease is the deterioration of bone tissue.

  • Fractures caused by osteoporosis can be life-threatening and cause long-term pain and disability.

By admin: Oct. 17, 2022

7. World Trauma Day

Tags: Important Days

World Trauma Day is observed annually on 17 October. 

Important facts

  • This day is celebrated to focus on the importance of saving lives and safety during the most critical moments of preparedness and adopting important measures.

  • On this day people from all over the world come together to remember those killed or injured as a result of violence and trauma.

  • According to the World Health Organisation, trauma is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide.

  • Trauma can mean any kind of physical and mental injury.

  • The reasons for such injuries can be many such as road accidents, fires, burns, falls, natural or man-made disasters and violent acts etc.

  • Every six minutes in India, a person dies due to a road accident.

Background of the day

  • World Trauma Day was started in 2011 in New Delhi, India.

  • In India, about one million people suffer head injuries every year, of which 75 to 80 percent are due to road accidents.

  • 50 percent of people die due to head injuries and 25 percent of people become disabled.

By admin: Oct. 16, 2022

8. World Food Day

Tags: Important Days

Every year 16 October is observed as World Food Day. This day marks the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).in 1945. The day is observed to draw the attention of the world to the issue of hunger and equitable access to food amongst the poor in the world.  

Background to the Day

World Food Day was established at the 20th Session of the Conference of FAO 1979, held in Rome, on the suggestion of the former Hungarian minister of agriculture and food Dr Pal Romany.

It gradually became a way to raise awareness about hunger, malnutrition, sustainability and food production in the world.

Theme of the World Food Day 2022

The theme of the world food day 2022 is: Leave no one Behind 

The theme reflects the current global hunger situation in the world due to climate change, covid pandemic and war in Ukraine has led to sharp increase in the prices of food energy and fertilizer prices. This has led to sharp deteriorating global food security crises and all-time high numbers of people at risk of experiencing serious levels of hunger in Asia and Africa. 

The recently released Global Hunger Index 2022 has put India into a severe risk category.

The world food day calls upon the leaders of the world and the civil society to take urgent action so that no one is left behind toi face hunger and food insecurity. 

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

 It is a specialised agency of the United Nations.

It was set up on 16 October 1945.

It’s Headquarters: Rome, Italy

It was conferred with the Nobel Peace Prize 2020. 

Director-General: QU Dongyu

By admin: Oct. 15, 2022

9. Global Handwashing Day

Tags: Important Days

The Global Handwashing Day is observed on 15 October every year around the world. It is an attempt to raise awareness amongst the people and the countries to the benefits of handwashing with soap as an easy, effective, and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.

 The habit of washing hands at the right time in the right way prevents many diseases including diarrhoea, covid, stomach infections  and encephalitis.

Background to the Day 

Global Handwashing Day was founded by the Global Handwashing Partnership.  The first Global Handwashing Day was held in 2008, when over 120 million children around the world washed their hands with soap in more than 70 countries on 15 October. Since then it has been observed around the world.

Theme of the Global Handwashing Day 2022 

The 2022 Global Handwashing Day theme is “Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene.” 

Benefit of washing hand with soap 

Elaborating the benefits of washing hands with soap the Global Handwashing Partnership says that “Germs that can cause diseases lodge in dirt, grease, and the natural oils on hands. Water alone does not dislodge them, but soap helps break down germ-carrying oils. Soap also facilitates rubbing and friction which can remove germs from the hands, and so that germs can be rinsed away with water. Using soap also adds to the time spent washing and ensures a more effective wash. With proper use, all soaps are equally effective at removing germs that cause disease.”

By admin: Oct. 15, 2022

10. International Day of Rural Women 2022

Tags: Important Days

International Day of Rural Women is celebrated on 15 October every year.

Important facts

  • This day is dedicated to lakhs of women who live in remote rural areas.

  • This day is celebrated to celebrate and make people aware of their achievements and contribution towards rural development and agriculture.

  • The day focuses on gender equality and women empowerment in rural areas.

  • These women include women from rural areas who contribute to the production of food and building agriculture and rural development around the world.

  • This day reminds us that the world cannot be progressive if rural society is neglected.

  • The theme for International Day of Rural Women 2022 - "Rural Women, key for a world free from hunger and poverty."

Background of the Day

  • The United Nations has been working since 1945 in the direction of maintaining peace and friendship in all the countries of the world.

  • In the year 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing, China.

  • The main topic of discussion in this was women empowerment.

  • On 18 December 2007, the United Nations announced that 15 October would be observed annually around the world as the International Day of Rural Women.

  • Since then this day is celebrated globally.