Apurva Chandra unveils 'People's G20' eBook on India's G20 Presidency

Tags: National News

Apurva Chandra, serving as Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, presented the eBook titled "People's G20" in New Delhi on September 18, 2023.

An Overview of the News

  • The eBook launch event was attended by Manish Desai, Principal Director General, of the Press Information Bureau (PIB), and several senior officials of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and PIB.

  • The "People's G20" eBook is a comprehensive resource highlighting India's G20 Presidency.

It is structured into three main sections, each focusing on different aspects:

Part 1: G20 Summit:

  • This section gives details of the mega G20 summit to be held in New Delhi on September 9-10, 2023.

  • It clarifies the structure and functioning of the G20 and provides information on the initiatives taken during India's Chairmanship of this international grouping.

Part 2: Working Groups and Meetings:

  • The second part presents a brief summary of the meetings held by the various working groups under the Sherpa and Finance tracks.

  • Additionally, it includes engagement group gatherings held across the country during the year after India became the G20 Chair.

Part 3: Public Participation Photo Essay:

  • The concluding part of the eBook consists of a visual narrative through a photo essay.

  • It reflects the mass participation events that took place across the country over the past year, effectively turning India's G20 Presidency into a people-powered movement.

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