Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB):

Tags: Summits

Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB)-01On 13 July 2023, the 11th meeting of the Executive Board of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) was held in Cartagena, Colombia.

An Overview of the news:

  • An International Conference on “A Global Perspective on the Challenges of the Regional Elections 2023” was also organized by the National Civil Registry, Colombia.
  • In the Executive Board meeting, the participants discussed various issues including programs and activities to be undertaken by A-WEB during 2023-24, Annual Progress Report of A-WEB and its regional offices including A-WEB India Centre, budget and membership related issues were discussed.

India's leadership in A-WEB:

  • A three-member delegation of the Election Commission of India (ECI) was led by Chief Election Commissioner Rajeev Kumar in the meeting.
  • On the sidelines of the 11th A-WEB Executive Board meeting, a bilateral meeting with the National Election Commission of the Republic of Korea on the ECI Electronic Postal Ballot System was also held.

A-WEB Chair in 2022:

  • During the 5th General Assembly meeting of A-WEB in Cape Town in November 2022, after CEC Rajeev Kumar successfully led the EMB through the COVID pandemic (2019-2022), A-WEB from ECI to the Electoral Commission of South Africa was assigned the presidency.

Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB):

  • It has become the largest global association of election management bodies giving a new impetus to the spread of electoral democracy.
  • Established: 2013
  • Objective: To make valuable contributions, professional support and advice by sharing innovations, experiences and skills with the participation and cooperation of its members.
  • Members: 120 Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) from 111 countries and 21 international organizations.
  • Functions of A-web:

    • A-WEB to organize capacity building programs for its member EMBs.
    • To study election management practices.
    • Conducting election visitor and observation programs in various countries for knowledge sharing with other member EMBs.

India A-Web Centre:

  • In the A-WEB Executive Board meeting held in Bengaluru in September 2019, it was decided to set up an India A-WEB Center in New Delhi.
  • It conducts documentation and research for sharing the best knowledge of A-WEB members and for training and capacity building of officials.
  • Journal published by India A-Web Centre: 'A-Web India Journal of Election'.

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