Cabinet approves Introduction of National Research Foundation Bill, 2023

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Cabinet-approves-ratification-of-HQA-between-India-and-CDRIThe Union Cabinet on 28th June under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has granted approval for the introduction of the National Research Foundation (NRF) Bill, 2023 in the Parliament. 

An overview of the news

  • This bill will facilitate the establishment of NRF, which will play a pivotal role in nurturing and advancing Research and Development (R&D) efforts and fostering a culture of research and innovation across universities, colleges, research institutions, and R&D laboratories in India.

  • The key objective of NRF is to create a policy framework and regulatory processes that stimulate collaboration and increased investment by industries in R&D endeavors.

  • Once the bill is approved by Parliament, NRF will be established as an apex body, aligning with the recommendations outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP). 

  • The estimated total cost for NRF's operations over a span of five years (2023-28) is projected to be Rs 50,000 crore.

Administrative responsibilities of NRF

  • The administrative responsibilities of NRF will be overseen by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). 

  • A distinguished Governing Board, comprising renowned researchers and professionals from various disciplines, will govern the NRF. 

  • The Prime Minister will serve as the ex-officio President of the Board, while the Union Minister of Science & Technology and Union Minister of Education will act as the ex-officio Vice-Presidents. 

  • Additionally, an Executive Council, chaired by the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, will govern NRF's day-to-day operations.

Functions of NRF

  • NRF will focus on fostering collaborations among academia, industry, government departments, and research institutions. 

  • It will establish an interface mechanism to encourage active participation and contribution from industries and state governments, in addition to scientific and line ministries. 

  • Moreover, the bill will entail the repeal of the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), established in 2008 through an act of Parliament. 

  • This legislative move highlights the government's commitment to promoting research, development, and innovation in India. 

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