Canada launches 'Digital Nomad Strategy' for foreign workers

Tags: International News

Canada-launches-'Digital-Nomad-Strategy'-for-foreign-workersCanada launched the "Digital Nomad Strategy" to address its skilled labour shortage, particularly in the tech industry.

An Overview of the News

  • The strategy aims to attract talented individuals from around the world.

  • The shortage of skilled workers, particularly in the tech industry, has prompted Canada to take proactive measures.

  • The announcement was made during Collision's technical conference in Toronto.

  • The strategy focuses primarily on the technology industry, recognizing its importance in driving innovation and economic growth.

Digital Nomad Strategy

  • Foreign workers are allowed to stay in Canada for up to six months under the Digital Nomad Strategy.

  • If digital nomads receive job offers during their stay, they have the option of extending their time in the country.

  • The strategy aims to address the shortage of skilled professionals in Canada's tech sector.

  • Digital nomads can continue their remote working arrangements while living in Canada.

  • This strategy encourages networking and collaboration between foreign workers, local professionals and Canadian businesses.

About Canada

  • Capital - Ottawa

  • Currency - Canadian Dollar

  • Official languages - English and French

  • National Symbol - Maple Leaf

  • Prime Minister - Justin Trudeau

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