China inks deal with Pakistan to set up nuclear power plant

Tags: International News

China-inks-deal-with-Pakistan-to-set-up-nuclear-power-plantChina and Pakistan signed an agreement on 20 June to set up nuclear power plants worth $4.8 billion in Punjab province.

An Overview of the News

  • The nuclear power plant deal is a symbol of growing economic cooperation between China and Pakistan.

  • The agreement covers the construction of the 1,200 MW Chashma-5 nuclear plant in Punjab's Mianwali district.

  • Pakistan is receiving a significant investment of $4.8 billion from China for this project.

  • Pakistan actively engaged with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to meet the conditions required for the 9th review, and Prime Minister Sharif of Pakistan acknowledged the support of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

About Pakistan

  • Independence - 14 August 1947

  • Capital - Islamabad

  • President - Arif Alvi

  • Prime Minister - Shahbaz Sharif

  • Official languages - Urdu, English

About China

  • Government - Unitary Marxist-Leninist One Party Socialist Republic

  • President - Xi Jinping

  • Capital - Beijing

  • Official Language - Standard Chinese

  • Currency - Renminbi

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