International Olympic Day-23 June

Tags: Important Days

International-Olympic-Day-23-JuneInternational Olympic Day is celebrated every year on 23 June.

An overview of the news

  • Olympic Day is an annual celebration that promotes sport, health, and unity worldwide.

  • Olympic Day symbolizes the commitment to making the world a better place through the power of sport.

  • The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded on June 23, 1894, at the Sorbonne in Paris, thanks to the efforts of Pierre de Coubertin. This day marks the revival of the Ancient Olympic Games.

  • The launch of a global movement on June 23rd seeks to encourage people to prioritize physical activity in their lives.

  • The theme for this year's Olympic Day is 'Let's Move,' which aims to inspire individuals worldwide to prioritize regular physical activity in their daily lives.

Background of the day

  • The International Olympic Committee was established in Paris on 23 June 1894.

  • International Olympic Day was first celebrated in 1948.

  • In 1948, a total of 9 countries celebrated this day in their respective countries.

  • But with the energy and positivity with which Olympians have inspired millions across the world over time, the celebration has now become a global one.

  • Despite any discrimination based on age, gender, etc National Olympic Committees across the world organise creative events based on the three pillars 'Move, Learn and Discover'.

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