Rare bird 'Jerdon's Babbler' spotted in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh

Tags: Environment place in news

A rare and globally endangered bird species called 'Jerdon's Babbler' was recently spotted in the grasslands of Dudhwa Tiger Reserve (DTR) in Uttar Pradesh.

An Overview of the News

  • According to surveyors, more than 95% of 'Jerdon's Babbler' in India are from Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

  • The Jordanian babbler lives in pairs in small flocks in tall grasslands.

  • This globally threatened bird has been listed as 'vulnerable' by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) since 1994.

Distribution and Conservation Efforts

  • Earlier, the Jordan Babbler was found along the Sutlej River in Haryana and Punjab. However, due to habitat loss, this species is now mainly found in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

  • Noida-based Habitats Trust works towards protecting the grasslands in the area to support the bio-diverse bird population.

  • Their efforts are aimed at restoring ecological functionality and promoting the well-being of both species and humans.

  • About 30% of the global population of the Jordanian babbler is found in India.

About 'Jerdon's Babbler':

  • It is a passerine bird native to the wetlands and grasslands of the Indian subcontinent.

  • Its scientific name is Chrysomma altirostre.

  • It is a member of the genus Chrysomma of the family Paradoxornithidae.

  • It is found in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan.

  • It lives throughout the year near river channels, where it inhabits dense reeds and tall grasslands.

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