India Partly Free says Freedom House

Tags: Popular National News

For the second time in a row India has been put in the “partly free” status by the government of United States funded non-governmental organisation Freedom House.

  • Freedom House, which studies political freedom around the world, had last year downgraded India’s status as a democracy and free society to ‘partly free’ from free.

  • The Freedom House has released its report “Freedom in the world 2022-The Global Expansion of Authoritarian Rule “. The 2022 edition covers developments in  political rights and civil liberties in  195 countries and 15 territories from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021.

  • India was given a score of 66 out of 100. Last year India scored 67.

  • It ranked Syria and South Sudan as the most unfree country of the world and was ranked at bottom 

  • Norway ,Sweden and Denmark were ranked as the most free countries in the world with a score of 100/100 points.

 Freedom House 

  • It is a non -governmental organisation funded by the United States government . It was set up in 1941 and its headquarters is in Washington D.C .

  • It conducts research in the field of democracy, freedom and human rights. 

  • It releases an annual report “Freedom in the World”.

  • The organisation is seen by many critics as serving the interests of the United States government .

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